Lenz Helps Poverty Is Real Raise $10,000

Lenz proudly supports Poverty Is Real, and commends PIR for raising $10,000 for the Decatur Cooperative Ministry during a three-day concert series at Eddie’s Attic, July 27-29. Poverty Is Real organizes fundraising concerts and donates the money raised to local...

Branding Is the Invisible Hand of Business

Coke and Pepsi; Target and Wal Mart; CNN and Fox News. Each brand carries an emotional punch, baggage perhaps, and often strong loyalties and opposition. Your brand is the first thing your customers think about you and the lasting memory they carry away from an...

Make Your Next Move

Lenz is happy to announce the launch of an integrated radio and web campaign for the Georgia WebMBA® from Georgia College, aptly named “Make Your Next Move.” The campaign kicked off yesterday with advertisements airing on AM 750 and 95.5 FM News/Talk WSB leading...