We be ‘Festin’!

By Richard J. Lenz When you work in a particular field, it shapes your worldview. Many times, I catch myself examining culture, business, and interpersonal relationships as the inevitable products and outcomes of communications, which is the essence of marketing. Kind...

Content is King in Healthcare, Too.

In the marketing industry, “content is king” is a popular cliché. The phrase is widely associated with Bill Gates in a blog he wrote nearly 20 years ago. Today, his messages seem prophetic, among them: “Content is where I expect most of the real money will be made on...

The Power of the Past: Nostalgia Marketing

We’ve all experienced the moment when a song on the radio instantly transports you back to the exact place and time you first heard it. Or when the aroma of a food or perfume immediately brings to mind a particular memory from your past. That feeling is nostalgia, and...

You Should Know: Dan Kamal

You might know Dan Kamal’s voice even if you aren’t a local hockey fan. If you did happen to be a hockey fan during the Atlanta Thrashers’ run from 1999 to 2011 (or that of the minor-league Atlanta Knights from 1994 to 1996), then Dan’s creative – and at times...