Aug 18, 2015 | Healthcare, Marketing
One of our specialties at Lenz is designing innovative new logos for our clients. Here are a few of our favorite healthcare logos we’ve developed over the years. Enjoy!
May 1, 2015 | Healthcare, Public Relations
It was an incredibly busy pollen season for Atlanta Allergy & Asthma – both in terms of serving patients but also in terms of the practice’s presence in the media, highlighting its expertise as a leader in its space. Perhaps no day demonstrated that better than...
Apr 26, 2015 | Healthcare, Marketing
One question we get a lot is, “With everything you could do with your life and your business, why do you choose to market healthcare?” For me the answer is simple: Because it’s rewarding. Marketing does many things—none greater than to help people make informed...
Feb 26, 2015 | Healthcare, Marketing
Lenz recently partnered with Atlanta Allergy and Asthma to develop a new practice logo, visual identity, and website. Founded in 1973, the AAA is the largest Allergy group in Atlanta with 18 locations and 18 board-certified physicians—and is the only National Allergy...
Jan 25, 2015 | Branding/Design, Healthcare
The Atlanta Center for Medical Research (ACMR) is a national leader in conducting medical research studies since 1980. Lenz is proud to partner with ACMR to refine the organization’s brand image, launch a new web site, and promote the Center through a PR and...
Jun 8, 2014 | Branding/Design, Healthcare, Marketing
Healthcare decisions are the most personal and significant we make Every business benefits from a strong brand, but in healthcare it is an imperative. Why? Because healthcare decisions are the most personal and significant we make. These kinds of decisions require...