Since 2005, when we established a board of directors to launch the first Decatur Book Festival, Judy Turner, president and CEO of Decatur First Bank, has been a sure and steady hand at the helm of the festival.
As treasurer, Judy helped us navigate the stormy seas of fund raising and made sure that we kept our finances on track. Without Judy’s leadership, the AJC Decatur Book Festival would not exist as we know it.
The news Friday that Decatur First Bank was closing and being acquired by Fidelity Bank brought a great deal of sadness in our community. It’s especially sad for bank customers who love the friendly atmosphere, the aroma of freshly popped popcorn, and the genuine customer-centric environment of the bank.
Those of us who know and admire Judy and the staff she hired to operate our community bank are heartbroken. We understand that the transition to banking at Fidelity will be smooth and won’t impact our deposits. However, we lament the demise of such a vital part of Decatur.
Please join all of us at Lenz in sending best wishes to our friends at Decatur First Bank and a word of thanks for all the ways they have helped our community.
— Alice Murray